• You must run the MOSS software before the game. (You must restart MOSS + COD if you exit
    your game)
  • The MOSS software is mandatory for every match played on Sked!
  • In case of a complaint, send the MOSS file via the form.
  • File analysis will not be done instantly during the tournament but at a later time, and feedback will
    be provided to the requesting team in the following days.
  • If you have irrefutable evidence that a player is cheating on Sked, send us that evidence and win 3
    months of Premium

Download MOSS: https://nohope.eu
MOSS Installation Tutorial (Enable subtitles) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoKBI7vtTNY

Cheat Complaint:
For a request to be valid, the team must:

  1. Make the request directly to the opposing team through the in-game chat.
  2. Record the request on the match sheet chat.
  3. Create an arbitration to inform the referees of the request.
  • A request cannot be made after a 2-minute deadline once the scores are entered on the match sheet.
  • A team is entitled to 5 MOSS claims per season.

For any request concerning a match (dispute, arbitration, etc.), you must use the “Arbitration
Live Chat” which is directly in the match sheet.
WARNING: Any arbitration must be supported by a proof (image, video, etc), otherwise the
arbitration will not be taken into consideration and you will expose yourself, in addition to the
loss of the match, to sanctions

Fair play and respect towards the opponent is required ! In case of disrespect towards the
opponent, sanctions can be requested, with proof, and the referees will decide on the sanctions
to be applied according to the gravity of the case. Fair play and respect towards the opponent is

Specific Tournament Operation Rules:

  • Selection of maps is done ny the Leauge owner.
  • The “Host” Team (see icon on the match sheet) is responsible for creating the lobby while strictly
    adhering to the rules.
  • A maximum of 10 minutes delay is allowed. After this period, the match must be started
    If the match cannot be started, please take the forfeit.
  • No player not registered in the roster is allowed.
  • Mandatory check-in on the tournament page. (If the tournament is full, you will be removed from
    the participants if you do not complete this step.)

Specifics Rules

  • 1 player not registered in their roster is allowed, provided they are entered on the match sheet via the dropdown list.
  • A player registered in a team’s roster can participate in a match even if not mentioned on the match
    sheet. However, please note that match statistics will not be recorded on the player’s profile.
  • The “Host” Team retains hosting for all Maps.

Player or Server Disconnection:

  • In case of a player’s disconnection, the match continues or can be stopped for 5 minutes, upon the
    request of the concerned Team, immediately if there hasn’t been a kill or bomb planted during the
    round. Otherwise, the round must be played in full. This 5-minute pause is valid only once.
  • In case of a disconnection from the host (dedicated server), the team with numerical superiority of
    players wins the round. If no team has numerical superiority of players, please replay the round.
  • If the game is interrupted for any reason and the score on the map is tied (5-5), the team with the
    most eliminations throughout the map chooses between defense and attack for the last round.

Submission and Dispute of a Score:

  • If a team disputes a score for a reason other than a score error, arbitration will restore the match
    results and close the arbitration request immediately without addressing the match dispute. To
    reiterate, the score dispute button is solely for contesting a result and not for blocking a match
    pending an arbitration decision.
  • The team entering the scores must enter the exact results of the match. In case of misuse of the
    “forfeit” button when the match has actually been played, arbitration will impose a penalty of 10
    points on the team responsible for entering the scores.

Game Setup Error or Perk/Equipment Error:

  • If you notice a game setup error, you must simply stop the game. If you play the entire match in
    these conditions, you can no longer dispute the match, “Match played = Accepted conditions”.
  • Forbidden equipment or perk = forfeit round

In case of a perfect tie in a match with free choice of maps:

  • If a decisive map must be played, the team that has won the most rounds in the initial maps will
    have the choice of the map, as well as the side. In case of a perfect tie in the total number of rounds,
    the map must be drawn by the responsible parties of both teams by launching an online game. The
    map launched will be designated as the map for the decisive round. The “Host” Team takes hosting,
    and the opposing Team chooses the side.

● Advertising within the league page for streams is only done via comment field
● Comment with link to stream on round post or match post from admin
● Individual stream is always allowed with at least 3 minute delay.
●Those who cannot maintain this delay are still welcome to stream, but they cannot accuse others of stream sniping.
● What is said in stream in connection with the league can lead to suspension. So behave.
● The NCL logo must be included in your stream

● Codcaster is not allowed by anyone not admin approved
● All streams must be preserved for 72 hours after the match for possible examination
● Proven screening of stream results in loss
● CoD-Caster from the organizer will take place in the final matches and he will then be able to
Stream both teams with X-Ray and all the functions that CoD-Caster has to offer. A greater delay
will then be implemented for the safety of the teams.

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