Mission Parameters:
Search & Destroy is a round-based objective game mode where each player has only one life per round.

At the start of each round, one team is put on offense and one team is put on defense.

Offensive Team Goals: The offense has a single bomb — which spawns in front of them and is marked with a “Bomb” icon — that must be planted at one of two sites (marked A and B on the minimap). One player must pick up the bomb, and it will be dropped if the player is eliminated, or the device is planted at a bomb site. Players can also choose to drop the bomb at any time.

The planting process takes a few seconds and leaves the Operator without a means to defend themselves. Once the bomb is down, the offense must defend it for 45 seconds (in a standard game) before it explodes to win them the round.

Defensive Team Goals: The defense must defend both bomb sites from the offense. If the offense does not plant the bomb within the round’s time limit, the defense wins the round. The defenders can also defuse the bomb once it is planted to win the round, but the defusal process takes longer than the time it takes to plant the bomb and with zero methods of self-defense.

Additional Tactics: Finally, both teams can win a round by eliminating the other team before a bomb is planted. Attackers can also eliminate all defenders after a bomb is planted to win, since nobody would be around to defuse the bomb. However, if the defending team eliminates all attackers after a bomb is planted, they must still defuse the bomb to win a round.

Match Win Conditions: The first team to win six rounds wins the Search & Destroy match. Some highly competitive matches can lead to a high-stakes, high-pressure “Round 11” that has defined many a professional Call of Duty® series

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